

Question by  PaulJoyce (7)

How long does it take to get a CNA certificate?

I need a good job quick.


Answer by  steveandtay (34)

Depending on where you live, the course you take can range anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months. You could always call the community college in your area or contact a Nursing home. A nursing home might provide you with the couse, but you also, might have to sign with them for a period of time.


Answer by  scribbleCPA (39)

You can get through the program in just a few months -- perhaps three or four -- in some places. It depends on the school's class schedule and the workload you can handle. This is a shrinking field, and getting the certification does not guarantee you a job in this economy.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

A Certified Nursing Assistant certificate can take between five and eight weeks to obtain, depending on where you get it, and how long the daily courses are. Some hospitals will pay for your training and provide the courses.


Answer by  Faye79 (1)

It takes 4 to 6 weeks to get a CNA certificate. Depending on which school you go to. Some are more detailed and others are just the basic class.

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