

Question by  Bsjinx (97)

How do you revive an orchid?

My orchid is dyeing.


Answer by  cfirnrohr (17)

Put the orchid in a container with pond water stem side down where it gets part to full sun. When roots appear, transplant it to a pot that has drainage.


Answer by  Carol37 (569)

It is not dying. It is resting. Stop watering and put it in a low to medium light area. It will stay dormant awhile. Water every 3-4 weeks until you see it reviving. Then continue to water and fertilize and put back into light.


Answer by  jeestes82 (105)

Pest or disease problems need to be treated as necessary before survival is an option. Overgrown orchids should be replanted into larger container with new potting media (general a bark mix). Watering issues should start with transplanting into new container and potting mix then put on a regular watering schedule.


Answer by  Shawn17 (14)

Try to place the orchid in a place where it can recieve bright, but not direct sunlight. Make sure it is in an area where the humidity is greater than 50% and where temperatures range from 60-85 degrees.


Answer by  Sarah5482 (120)

Water well from the top of the flower. Use rain water if its available. Also, the plant needs to be well aerated. Dont let the flower sit in excess water.

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