how to


Question by  Lili (37)

How do you fill out a W-4 form?

Where do you find them?


Answer by  hughey (196)

A W-$ form will be held by an employer. If this is not the case the local IRS office will have a supply. The instructions are on the form itself, just follow carefully step by step.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Try searching it online you should be able to google it and find it. Once you find it there should be directions on how to complete the form if not you should be able to take it to any local government office and get the help you need to fill it out without out making mistakes.


Answer by  skwiglez (641)

Your job should supply you with a w4 form. If not the next best place to look would be at your local government web site.


Answer by  belle39 (966)

You can print one out from the IRS website and you include your name, address and Social Security number on the form as well as the amount of withholding allowances.

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