

Question by  ksuther (10)

How do you convert US dollars to Jamaican dollars?


Answer by  whatsittoya (122)

You can use an online currency converter to easily convert US dollars to Jamaican dollars. Simply use your favorite search engine and type in "currency converter."


Answer by  LeeAnnDiVeria (39)

Conversion rates fluctuate, but for where they stand now, multiply an amount in USD by 84.75 Jamaican dollars to obtain the desired figure.


Answer by  stevenhuynh (86)

The easiest way is to find a money converter online (many are free). The benefit is that it will use the most up to date conversion factor. To do this by hand, you need to know the conversion factor (it can be thought of as a ratio). US:Jamaican = 1:1.10 means 1 $US is worth 1.10 Jamaican dollars.

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