
 how to  math


Question by  befferz473 (11)

How do you change a percent into a fraction?


Answer by  tkarlav (1502)

You take your percentage and place it over 100 which is the highest possable percentage, then take that fraction and reduce it. it should look like this 10% =10/100= 1/10 . if it were 30% it would be 30%= 30/100= 3/10 . it gets harder if you have fractions of a percent but that should give you an idea.


Answer by  turkster (13)

The word "percent" literally means per one hundred parts. So 50% = 50/100, 33% = 33/100 and so on. Once you've got the percentage expressed as a fraction, you can simplify the fraction by dividing the top and bottom of the fraction by the same number. e.g. 50/100 = 1/2

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