

Question by  allergymom (26)

How do I remove an old bathtub?


Answer by  Toddthe (63)

Remove sheetrock around tub. Pull nails in studs right above the tub flange that hold it firm. Use a dumgbell drain wrench or two screwdrivers stuck into drain to twist the drain cover and unscrew out. Unscrew dain plug lever, remove plug and lever. Lift up and out. Its tough.

posted by Anonymous
It varies from tub to tub, did you come to think that perhaps they're trying to fit a porcelain tub through a door? Seek professional Advice, not fifty words of vague instruction.  add a comment

Answer by  Karthikeyan (60)

After you have the water turnedoff,remove the handles and fill spout.The spout should just twist off.You can probably do it by hand, but if it's tight, use the wrench.If you're going to reuse the spout, pad the jaws of the wrench with a rag.


Answer by  AnnArk (141)

For safety, the steps of the removal should be carefully planned, especially including the route you will move the old bathtub on. Another crucial requirement for safety would be to have sufficient helpers available.


Answer by  binkman88 (53)

You first remove everything from the tub. The first and most important thing is remove it from the tile and cut around the caulk this holds the tub in place

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