
 how to  skin


Question by  HumaArsalan (21)

How do I get rid of clogged pores?


Answer by  Pooja (74)

The best cure is to keep your skin clean and healthy. You can take steam for 3 to 5 minutes, then use a face scrub to remove all the dirt. Leave on for 2 minutes and wash it off. This will surely help. You may also use juice of fresh tomatoes to cleanse your clogged pores.


Answer by  tubeth2000 (104)

Steaming your skin is the best way to clean clogged pores; it opens them and helps you go deeper into your skin. Just boil water dump it into a large bowl. Put a towel in your head and hold it over the steam. Keep it for 15 minutes and dry.


Answer by  Lmukeeper (262)

There are may different steps that can be taken to unclog pores. The first, and most commonly used to solve the problem, is to change washes. Sometimes skin can be vulernable to various washes, therefore washes like clearasil or other acne prevention washes will help rid clogged pores on your body.


Answer by  RLozano (213)

Consider that pores are generally clogged from the inside. Most of the foods that are blamed only cause problems for some people, it's not just food, it's internal chemistry. One thing could be 'bad' stomach bacteria. If one takes 'good' bacteria, (like Acidophilus in live yogurt) regularly, it can help.


Answer by  SubhashChander (1773)

Clogged pores of the skin can be removed by regular massage of the body with the help of unboiled milk for at least twenty days regularly once a day.

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