

Question by  Daniel (34)

How do I accomplish skunk removal?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Skunks don't bother anybody and do not like to be bothered. If you have a family living too close, call a professional to remove them. It's worth the cost.


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

Nocturnal mammals never live in the same den for any real length of time. They may live in a den anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks, depending on whether they have babies. Be patient, they will leave on their own. When you know they are gone, block their entry way.


Answer by  Startwearinggreen (340)

When my dog was sprayed by a skunk, I tried everything even the good old tomato soup bath. None of it worked, now unless you want to pay to get it removed, I saw let nature take it's course and let the smell just wear off and that worked for me.


Answer by  Nerdlingling (11)

Skunks are difficult to remove from your home so it would be best suited for those with this problem to either call a pest control.

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