


Question by  bethb29 (22)

How did Dostoevsky conceive the idea for Crime and Punishment?


Answer by  LadyL (62)

Dostoevsky was politically active and in 1847 became a socialist. Soon his radical views placed him prison. In prison, he rejected his liberal views for conservative attitude. Dostoevsky's rejection of liberalism thought is obvious throughout the novel. Raskolnikov, crime is motivated by his negative theories about leftist society


Answer by  patti (29325)

The idea for C&P was conceived in 1865 after Dostoevsky lost all his money at a casino and was broke. The story was serialized in 12 installments in a magazine.


Answer by  Clement (1453)

Dostoevsky was experiencing severe financial problems at the time, so in fact his situation was quite close to the one of the protagonist.


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

After losing his savings gambling, Dostoevsky intended to write "The Drunkards," a story about alcoholism. He became intrigued by Pierre François Lacenaire, a French poet and murderer, and based Raskolnikov's crime on the Lacenaire's case. Alcoholism then became the secondary story line.


Answer by  tcat (769)

I believe that the main character is based on the Neiztche concept of a superman. A superman who is not restricted on ordinary human concepts of right and wrong. THe superman is a superior man intelectually and spirtually, and is capable of doing great deeds.

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