

Question by  worker426983 (18)

How can you make your skin lighter?


Answer by  britt01 (292)

Go to your local drugstore and purchase some over the counter skin lightener cream. There are many to choose from. Apply the cream daily until you reach the specific color you desire. Start out using just a little to see how your skin will reach. Be care not to over bleach as well.


Answer by  Phyllis843 (141)

Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Get a skin lightening cream with hydroquinone in it from the beauty or drug store, and use it every day.


Answer by  Doris59 (1647)

There are prescription creams that can lighten your skin. The wisest way to find the best method for you, is consult a dermatologist and see what he recommends for you.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Try some skin lightening creams or make your own paste at home, which should include turmeric and gram flour. Apply on face every day, you will gradually see difference.

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