
 how to  hvac


Question by  RyanJames (41)

How can I tell if my AC compressor is not working?


Answer by  kevincai96 (669)

There are many ways to tell if an AC compressor is not working. Look for telltale signs like lots of heat, or strange noises coming from it. Compressors are usually very quiet and shouldn't be able to be heard. Finally, if you hear a screeching noise, get it fixed immediately.


Answer by  Novemberfire (322)

If you are not getting cold air, if your compressor is making an "odd noise" or if it is leaking fluids, you may have a compressor issue. Call a professional.


Answer by  ujwalraimjoshi (729)

swich on airconditioner. ac will start narmally on fan first. then check whether compressor is working. you can sence by sound. if there is no sound or change in room temperature, tell that compressor is not working.


Answer by  bhanuteja (5)

Find a local A/C repair shop and let them check it for vacumme and discharge ( Hi side -low Side) these are the lines that circulate the Freon through out the system. The Shop will hook guadges to the system then check it for leaks, pressure loss, bad A/C unit, bad condenser, or a bad evaporator under the dash.


Answer by  SubhashChander (1773)

If the AC is not giving the proper cooling then it could be taken for granted that the compressor of the air condiitoner is not working properly.

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