health conditions


Question by  smokeydabear (47)

How can I reduce insulin resistance from exercise?


Answer by  daddy31 (304)

The best way to reduce insulin resistance from exersise is to have a balanced workout routine and diet. A good workout plan should work both the upper and lower body and the heart with cardio. Your diet plan should be approximately 45% carbs 35% protein, and 20% fat.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, exercise is going to lower your levels of insulin that are required. It is a natural mechanism. Do half an hour of exercise such as running or walking a day.


Answer by  sakthi68 (37)

Exercise helps in increasing blood circulation, lung activity, cardiac activity. It induces the secretion of insulin. This in turn, helps to break down glucose in your body.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

You can do this by excersing and watching your carbs. Their are good carbs and bad carbs, you can get a list off the internet. Also lower sugar intake.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

A combination of exercise and weight reduction can help you reduce your insulin. But this should be done only under the supervision of your physician. He can monitor this by blood work.


Answer by  fb3 (29)

Insulin resistance is a product of skeletal muscle's inability to recognize insulin; multiple scientific trials have shown that moderate intensity exercise improves muscle recognition of insulin.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

When you exercise it forces your body to utilize sugar and fat as an energy source. This causes a decrease of sugar or insulin in the blood stream and in turn causes your body to response to insulin in a more natural way a it was intended.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Excericise increases the number of insulin receptors on muscles and decreses the fat stores and the counter hormones it produces, therefore increasing the action of insulin per unit.

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