

Question by  Joanie (156)

How can I learn to do the splits?


Answer by  penrose (235)

its all about the stretching... start slowly but you have to build up a stretching regimen. the time it will take to loosen up your ligaments and tendons depends on your current flexibility. if you are really stiff right now, the process could take months, maybe even years.


Answer by  lauryn (194)

One of the most important things to do the splits is stretching excercises. If you stretch several minutes a day, you will eventually be able to do the splits.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

You should start by doing simple leg stretching exercise. Remember that when you are doing splits, do not bounce to make yourself go further down.


Answer by  Peg (459)

Find a friend of someone who knows how to do the splits. Ask them to show you how to do the splits.

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