

Question by  badimojo (45)

How can I go about identifying a rubber house plant?


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Also known as a ficus, this plant sports shiny, thick, dark green leaves and appears "weepy" in its stature. Some leaves have a red vein in them and the trunk is slender with a greyish appearance. They can grow to be very tall but you can limit the height with container size.


Answer by  daddy31 (304)

Some house plants look extremely similar to real plants. If this confuses you simply sniff inder one of the leaves. A rubber plant will smell like rubber while a real plant with hae a soft aroma. If this is not enough simply create a small tear.


Answer by  Lynne (38)

There are several ways to identify a fake plant. Many fake plants will have odd-looking joins between the leaf stems & the branch. If you can look into the pot, often the fake plants will have dry moss covering some foam blocks. If you can pick up the plant, it will be lighter than you expect.


Answer by  Maggie17 (56)

Rubber plants have thick, shiny and oval shaped leaves that can be either a deep green or deep red. It should be 5 to 8 feet from a window with a decent amount of light. They need a lot of water so you should water them every week, and make sure the soil is always pretty moist.


Answer by  ModernMode (28)

A rubber plant has large glossy dark green oval leaves, about the size of a woman's hand. The leaves are singular as opposed to multi-lobed. Rubber plants grow in tree form, with a single trunk and branches coming off the sides. The plant almost feels like plastic to the touch.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

By looks and feel if you look at it, it will have a very large thick leaf and if you touch it. it will feel like rubber but be careful if you break one of the leaves it will bleed aqnd die.


Answer by  lmao (28)

Well first if you want to know wether or not the house plant is rubber touch the leaves. If the feel rubbery theres a really good chance the plant is a rubber plant.

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