

Question by  lclabr (16)

How can I fix a septic tank backup?


Answer by  ajk71486 (219)

Unless you have your own very expensive plumbing tools you probably can't. Have a pro come put a hole in the pipe outside and clear that stuff out/drain the tank. After that try using rid-x or something similar every 1-2 months. Prevention is easy, however resolve isn't. This may also turn in to a very expensive repair.


Answer by  joshm89 (491)

Chances are, the septic tank is completely full and over flowing. The only way to fix it is to call someone to come out and drain the tank for you.


Answer by  gary23 (130)

Actually you can not fix a backup without causing some serious problems. The best bet is to pump out the tank using a professional. Biodegradable products are suggested.


Answer by  lmath629 (402)

This is gross, but you might have to open up the septic tank and put a long stick in the pipe to break up a clog.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well either you need to adjust the pressure of the tank and it is caused because of damaged parts. You can also put baking soda in the tank to see if the backup is adjusted.


Answer by  shanelecroy (30)

You can try running a plumbing snake through the cleanout. It is usually located just outside the house on the side the tank is located.


Answer by  septicskeptic (5)

Quickest and easiest solution (though not permanent) is to get the tank pumped and then investigate aerobic remediation solutions. I have a blog where I have many details (septic-skeptic at cardillo-online) but you can research products like CESS-FLO and Aero-Stream and see what I mean.


Answer by  Kris (797)

You can't do it yourself. If your tank is backed up, it is likely full and has to be pumped and the contents hauled away by a sewer service.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well if you want to fix the tank backup, your going to have to get through the clog by using alcohol or vinegar.

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