how to


Question by  SweetK (10)

How can I be impressive on a job interview?


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

Appearance is paramount, dress nicely, nice hair (normal colors), cover tats if possible, no extreme piercings. Speak up. Look everyone in the eye. Smile. Answer the questions completely but don't ramble or filibuster. Sell Yourself. Be honest, but no need to tell secrets they don't ask about.


Answer by  amiv (249)

Find out as much as you can about the company and the job description and think of a good question or two to ask the interviewer. Listen carefully and answer questions directly and truthfully.


Answer by  Danie (993)

You can impress the person who is interviewing you by being sure to arrive to the interview on time and prepared. You can arrive 15 minutes before to make sure you are there at a good time.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Dress professionally, which is rare among young applicants. Speak professionally, without any slang or rapid fire jargon. Be respectful but confident. Do not aim for style or self expression but focus on standard office attire.


Answer by  CatherineKlay (440)

A good interview depends a lot on advance preparation. Find out as much as you can about the company/individual: Who owns it? How long in business? Recent press releases in the paper? Double check your resume for spelling errors. Line up references in advance and have contact information available!

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