dental care


Question by  Junebug (158)

How bad is a front tooth extraction?

i am getting one dome in 2 weeks.


Answer by  Shelina (66)

Front tooth extractions are generally less eventful than the extraction of a back tooth. The dentist will anesthetize to eliminate discomfort during the procedure. Some dentists can even provide sedation to make you less aware during the procdure if you are especially anxious. Recovery will not be much different than with any other extraction.


Answer by  Kathyzig (50)

A front tooth extraction is no worse than any other extraction except for the possible swelling. It also depends on the length of the roots of each teeth. Longer roots take more time to extract and the swelling may be more severe. If the pain is intense, most dentists will write a prescription for pain killers.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

It's not painful at all really. You get a shot to numb your mouth then they pull it out. There is some discomfort after the numbing dulls. You may want to get some kind of implant or bridge to cover the hole though since it's in the front.


Answer by  moonzi (286)

The actual procedure will hurt you a bit. You are going to feel pain and discomfort for a few days.


Answer by  bunnifer (45)

I just had one done a month ago and the worst part about it is getting the shot of Novocaine to numb that area. It seems to be far more sensitive than the rest of your mouth, but once it's numb you won't feel a thing.

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