

Question by  davidsmith4deltaedu (338)

Does Unisom work safely?

Is it addictive?


Answer by  djcwoman37 (373)

Unisom tests show it becomes effective about 23 minutes after taking it, however, results may differ for everyone. Also depending upon the person, it has shown that it helps troubled sleepers sleep soundly all night. Unisom is non-addictive and non-narcotic and has been approved by the FDA for over-the-counter use.


Answer by  jusmisbehaven (135)

If you can take benadryl can take unisom. It is not addictive physically. You can become emotionally attached to it. Unisom is a decongestant like benadryl. One of the side effects of most antihistamines or decongestants is that they cause sleepyness. If this does not work for you, talk to you doctor about some very effective prescription sleep aids.

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