


Question by  worker1367 (25)

Does rubbing a dogs stomach help a tummy ache?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

No, though I'm sure it comforts him. Make sure this isn't caused by some problem, he isn't constipated, or something more serious. Feeding him a few spoonfuls of natural yogurt daily, no additives- Greek Yogurt is good, can help and prevent this in the future, plus, they love it.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Not really. When dogs have upset stomachs they usually either eat grass to induce vomiting or stop eating until it stops hurting. Rubbing their stomachs wouldn't help.


Answer by  brendalea2121 (206)

I don't think rubbing a dogs stomach will help with any ache. Think about it, would rubbing your belly help you with a tummy ache? Probably not. If it's affecting your dog really bad you should take your dog to the vet because it might be something serious. If it's something like they just ate too fast it will pass.


Answer by  Jaggers (1018)

It is difficult to tell if a stomach rub helps a dog tummy ache. A dog will always show pleasure from a stomach rub unless it has a life threatening injury.

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