

Question by  lynnette (43)

Does every child have the right to an education?

What if the children don't want to be there?


Answer by  jclick (1561)

Whether or not a child wants to go to school, every child has the right to an education. Not every child receives a quality education but every one of them deserves and has the right to it.


Answer by  SallyJ64 (3121)

If they are putting other kids at risk (bringing weapons or drugs) then you have to look at alternatives. But lack of motivation isn't a reason to deny education


Answer by  kristina31 (305)

Yes every child has the right to a very good education. I think that every child should attend school even if they dont want to be there


Answer by  bean11 (2803)

Every child has the right to an education, and every parent has the responsibility to make them go. Children are too young to understand what is going to be best for them. It would be horrible to send a child out into the real world with no education and expect them to be able to survive.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

U.S. law states that every child has a right to a free and appropriate education. Children are curious and great learners--find out what is wrong at school.

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