

Question by  shadowseeker (11)

Do I have to agree to a divorce?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

If your spouse wants the marriage to be over just let it be done. You're better off. You don't have to agree. They can still get divorced without you agreeing.


Answer by  John (9008)

The rules for divorce vary from state to state. However, it is always possible to get a divorce even if one party does not agree. You should also keep in mind that a marriage can never work if both people do not want to be there.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

No, you do not have to agree to it, you can contest the divorce but it does not mean that the proceeding judge will not award the divorce. You do have a chance to at least post pone it.


Answer by  krishna54 (212)

My thoughts of marriage is very high and i want to lead a peaceful and happy life with someone nearby to love ,care ,scold for that I should be doing things that satisfies to some extent the person i want to be with,so i cant agree with divorce.

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