health conditions


Question by  Anonymous

Could stopping blood pressure medication cause swollen feet?


Answer by  Teaberry (846)

Yes. It could be the excess water and/or salt building up in the foot and ankle area. Keep feet elevated and use ice packs if needed. Consult a doctor.


Answer by  Arcadia73 (47)

Absolutely! Blood pressure medicine should NEVER be stopped suddenly. The medicine probably has a diuretic ( water pill) in it which flushes excess fuid from your body.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Yes it can. Some common blood pressure pills include diuretics like hydrocholothiazide, that act by causing the kidney to excrete sodium and thus keep edema down. Also, if you stop your blood pressure pills, and you have mild heart failure, the increased after load can cause an increase in your angiotension system and thus more water retention.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

It is certainly possible that stopping your blood pressure medication caused edema in your feet. The swelling is caused by a build up of fluids that don't have sufficient pressure to get back up against the force of gravity. Rapidly changing blood pressures could play a direct role in this.


Answer by  sk8trmm (32)

Yes, because high blood pressure medication contains diuretcs which cause you to urinate more. You will retain water, which causes swelling, if you stop the medication.


Answer by  michelle99 (73)

Yes, one of the symptoms of high blood pressure is swollen hands and feet. Please consult your doctor before stopping any medication.


Answer by  musicmimes (64)

The side effects of some blood pressure medications is swelling of the legs and feet. This could happen whether or not you're still on it. So it's possible that the swollen feet are a side effect from the drug.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Yes stopping some blood pressure medication can cause swollen feet,beta-blockers may also cause symptoms and the swelling of the foot is one cause.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

It is unlikely that stopping blood pressure medication causes feet to swell. It most likely is the other way around. Most blood pressure medication is the cause of swelling feet and ankles caused by edema. Stopping the medication usually cures that problem. Edema also can be caused by several other things.


Answer by  worker54 (75)

It can be.If you stopping your blood pressure medication, you find your feet start to swollen, which tells you might have heart failure.

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