


Question by  ViperDad84 (27)

Can you place ziploc cups in the microwave?


Answer by  cmkekbif (778)

These cups can be put in the microwave for a vey short amount of time but be careful as they will melt.


Answer by  idzuna16 (118)

The package they came in should be able to tell you if they are microwavable safe. If you don't see that don't place them in the microwave to avoid melting.


Answer by  ccj120 (20)

No, because the microwave would probably just melt the plastic and the cup it self. It would be best not to do that.


Answer by  sailoryue (853)

some ziploc cups are indeed microwave safe. you want to make sure you dont cook what your cooking for very long tho, and make sure that the item especially if its liquid has proper ventilation.


Answer by  cgrid76hotmailcom (545)

With out a lid i would say that that would be okay to do . But with a lid in place while using the microwave would be not a good thing


Answer by  jen37 (1135)

Putting any kind of plastics, ziplock or other wise, in the microwave, is not recommendable. Plastic is made out of all kinds of noxious chemicals, and when heated it is prone to releasing these chemicals into your food.

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