

Question by  JDand43 (59)

Can you do kung fu training from inside your home?


Answer by  LordFury (35)

Yes you can. There are a great number of training videos you can rent or watch on YouTube Google Videos and other streaming websites. To start I would suggest buying wrestling matts and wrist wraps. A practice wooden tree and boards. Other than that you just watch and learn starting from basics


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

Training at home is not the best way, but it is possible. You can get a video of training drills and techniques for kicks and punches. You can practice at home to get started but eventually will need to train live with other people to spar ( practice fight ) and have an instructor make corrections or improvements.


Answer by  John (9008)

You can do kung fu training anywhere. The only real issue is finding an instructor who is willing to come to you.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

There are self-training videos, but you won't get the sparring practice that really helps hone your skills and develops your speed and style.


Answer by  Steve81 (32)

Since no equipment is required for Kung Fu training, you can do it from inside your home (though you may need to ensure you don't break anything doing it)


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Why not? You can, as long as you don't get negative response from your neighbours. If you have fecility like a seperate hall or a spacious room,its OK.


Answer by  BDH222 (4)

No you can not do kung fu training in your home. You will likely hurt your self or break something inside your home

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