

Question by  CatherineKlay (440)

Can you bake in the microwave?

I would think your food would end up dried out.


Answer by  klypos (271)

You can make all sorts of bakery goods in the microwave, but some things are harder to do than others. Getting a nice browned finish is tricky, not worth the trouble unless you only have a microwave to use. You'll find lots of cake recipes if you search for them.


Answer by  mehartoqeer (14)

no you may not bake in an ordinary microwave, but you can definitely bake anything from a cake to a lasagnia in a convetional microwave oven. this way your food will not be dry, but rather like any other oven cooked meal, it would be juicy and sumptuous. i always cook my muffins in my conventionaloven.

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