

Question by  AliciaR (30)

Are there any poisonous snakes in New England?


Answer by  Ashton (229)

Yes, there are two types of poisonous snakes found in New England.They are The Timber-Rattlesnake and Copperhead.They are poisonous but not that much poisonous as compared with other snakes found in other parts of the world.


Answer by  sonorasun (174)

There are two types of poisonous snakes found in New England- the Timber Rattlesnake and the Copperhead. Both are poisonous but not nearly as potent or dangerous as poisonous snakes found in other parts of the country, such as the Diamondback Rattler. In New England, snake bites are rare and death from a bite even rarer.


Answer by  devanathan (30)

The snakes are found around the world with various types of species. If there are mountains are present in the NEW ENGLAND (U. S) then there would be poisonous snakes found there. If more information regarding the presence of snakes in New England yo can contact the forest department officials.

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